The Effective Thesis Award
The Effective Thesis Award aims to recognise and celebrate high-impact theses that have the potential to significantly improve the world.
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The Award Prize
The award has two tiers: Undergraduate and Graduate.
Submissions are judged by a panel of experts and academics from top institutions.
The winning submissions will receive $200 and be featured on the Effective Thesis website. Commendation prizes will receive a Certificate of Recognition and also be featured on the website.
The number of awards each year depends on the quality of the applications we receive.
The Effective Thesis Award aims to celebrate academically excellent high-impact theses.
This award aims to honor ambitious students who strive to make a meaningful impact through their academic journeys, and beyond.
We define a high-impact thesis based on its impact on:
An Important Research Problem – Does your work contribute to solving an important problem and how effectively are your findings shared with the people who can use them?
Your Career Trajectory – Does your thesis shape your motivation, skills, expertise, and opportunities for a high-impact career?
Your Wider Community – Does your thesis inspire others—peers, academics, and professionals—to pursue impactful work?
Award Details
Academic Level: Undergraduate and graduate students.
Submission Types: Theses, dissertations, or capstone papers. Other substantive work forming part of a graduation semester may also be considered.
Research Directions: Submissions should relate to one or multiple research directions prioritised by Effective Thesis, such as:
Biosecurity and risks from engineered pathogens
Artificial Intelligence Safety
Other Global Catastrophic and Existential Risks
Animal welfare and sentience
Understanding progress and change
Global health and wellbeing
Understanding and improving decision-making processes
Global priorities research
However, if your research does not fit into these categories, we still highly encourage you to apply.
Language: We accept entries from all countries. All entries have to be submitted in English, however, they may be translated if not originally written in English. We would encourage students to not spend excessive time on translation as translated works will not be judged harshly on matters of grammar and style.
We assess the impact of your thesis across three key dimensions:.
1. Impact on Your Career: Does your thesis shape your motivation, skills, expertise, and opportunities for a high-impact career?
In your application, highlight how your thesis has demonstrated the development of the skills, expertise or connections needed for your high-impact career path.
2. Impact on the Research Problem: Does your work contribute to solving an important problem, and how effectively are your findings shared with the people who can use them?
Your thesis should be of high academic quality, ideally bringing a novel contribution, and make as much progress as possible towards solving some problem described within our prioritised research directions.We place emphasis on how well the research questions were chosen and how well the work was done rather than the direct measurable impact of the written work. We aim to reward good work rather than good results, therefore we also welcome “failed attempts” (e.g. negative results, etc..), as long as they have been carefully conducted.
3. Impact on Your Community: Does your thesis inspire others—peers, academics, and professionals—to pursue impactful work?Highlight how your thesis increases awareness or inspires others in your academic field, immediate community, or beyond.
Your submission should include the following:
A cover page that includes your name and contact details, the title of the work which you are submitting, the prioritised research direction(s) it relates to, your study programme, the date on which the work was accepted in this programme, and the name of the university.
A 500-word maximum description of why you believe your thesis is high-impact, across the dimensions of I) your career trajectory II) impact on the research problem, and III) impact on your community.
The thesis, dissertation or capstone paper you wish to submit. For bachelor's and master's level you can submit your whole thesis, while for the PhD level please submit just one chapter of your dissertation or other relevant research piece. Typical submissions are in the range of 5000-15000 words in length, but we may make exceptions.
Past Effective Thesis Award Winners
See here for our 2022 award winners.