Research topics we recommend

Explore research areas where we think students could have a positive impact on the world

Are you searching for a research topic that has the potential to significantly improve the world?

Explore our ideas on how to work on some of the most pressing global problems in the profiles below, or sign up to the Topic Discovery Digest for ideas delivered straight to your inbox. 

See here if you want to learn more about why we prioritise these topics and here for a map of how these profiles relate to each other.

We encourage you to take your interests, aptitudes and degree level into consideration as you explore whether to work on one of these ideas for your thesis – learn more here.

For animal advocacy and plant-based food systems, see here for our research questions database and Vegan Thesis for a dedicated website.

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Research agendas

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Hand holding a magnifying glass over a globe

How we write our profiles and advice

Learn how we identify the research directions we think are particularly likely to improve the world.

Searching for a research topic?

See here for a visual map of all our research directions.


Read our advice on doing impactful research.