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Find Your Thesis

Shape the Future Through Impactful Research

Your thesis is more than just an academic requirement—it's an opportunity to contribute to solving some of the world's most pressing challenges. At Effective Thesis, we're here to help you find a research topic that aligns with your interests and has the potential for significant real-world impact.

Explore Our Research Questions Board

Our Research Questions Board is a curated database of high-impact research questions across various disciplines. Each question has been carefully selected for its potential to contribute to important global issues.

How It Works:

  1. Browse Questions: Explore hundreds of research questions filterable by subject area, academic level, and impact potential.

  2. Discover Details: Click on questions to view comprehensive information, including background context, potential methodologies, and expected impact.

  3. Find Resources: Access related literature, datasets, and potential supervisor contacts for each question.

  4. Get Inspired: Use our questions as starting points to develop your own unique research angle.

Why Choose an Impactful Thesis Topic?

  • Contribute to solving pressing global challenges through your research.

  • Align your academic work with impactful career paths and stand out to future employers.

  • Connect with leading researchers, organizations, and funding sources in your field of interest.

  • Gain experience in addressing complex, real-world problems through rigorous research.

Our Process

  1. Explore: Browse our Research Questions Board or Featured Research Areas.

  2. Refine: Use our filters to find questions that match your interests, skills, and academic requirements.

  3. Investigate: Dive deeper into promising questions, reviewing provided resources and background information.

  4. Customize: Develop your own unique angle or approach to the research question.

  5. Connect: Reach out to potential supervisors or experts in the field for guidance.

Success Stories

  • Silvana Hultsch - Navigating Moral Uncertainty in Decision-Making

    Silvana's thesis on "Avoiding moral wrongs under normative uncertainty" developed a framework for ethical decision-making in complex scenarios, influencing policy-making processes in international organizations.

  • Jia Yuan - Shaping the Future of Autonomous Weapons Governance

    Jia's comprehensive approach to the governance of autonomous weapons has been cited in international discussions on AI ethics and military technology, contributing to more nuanced policy frameworks.

  • Tomáš Petr - Unintended Consequences in Global Development

    Tomáš's research on "The effect of global poverty reduction on wild animal welfare" has sparked important discussions in the development sector about holistic approaches to improving global well-being.

Additional Resources

  • Topic Selection Guide

    Download our comprehensive guide on choosing an impactful thesis topic.

  • Funding Opportunities

    Explore scholarships and grants available for impactful research projects.

  • Expert Network

    Connect with our network of researchers and supervisors for guidance.

Ready to Make an Impact?

Your research journey starts here.

Explore our Research Questions Board and take the first step towards conducting truly impactful research.


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